Monthly Archives: March 2013

Gardening With the Moon

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I am so excited about this! My friend Rebekah Shardy, who is a third-generation planting-by-the-moon gardener, will present a GARDENING WITH THE MOON class in April.

Rebekah is amazing. She’s not only an avid gardener but an award-winning fiction writer–her story “Lady in Waiting” appeared in Greenwoman Issue #4. She also makes delightful cocktails; she’s the one who introduced me to my first jasmine martini.

Oh, the mystery and power of the moon! Gardening by the lunar calendar is something I’ve had an interest in for, well, forever, but I’ve never taken the time to learn about it properly. Last spring, for example, I did look up the best planting times for root crops and above-ground crops, but my follow-up left something to be desired.

I know I need to be more “in tune” to the moon. How about you? This class will be a wonderful inspiration to do it right this year!

Hope to see you there.

–Sandra Knauf

Time: Saturday, April 13th, 2-3 p.m.

Place: Hillside Gardens, 1006 South Institute Street, Colorado Springs CO  80903. 

Gardening with the Moon

The powerful influence of the moon on plants is beyond debate. Do you know how to use it to your advantage in the garden?  

Cost is $13 per person. Participants will receive a moon-related gift and refreshments. 

To sign up (space is limited) contact Rebekah Shardy.

Phone: (970) 497-0026. E-mail:


Filed under Garden Writers We Love